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Poverty Policy

Posted on 4:45 AM by ELY Mustapha

An attempt to understand … otherwise

Is there a “poverty policy
Curious question, isn't it? 

However, this issue is not just a figment of the imagination. It is a concept that seems important to devise and determine in its definition to answer questions about the realities fleeting. Indeed, the current situation of countries such as Mauritania has to be approached with new concepts and instruments that are beyond the classic analysis. 

As for the analysis, we propose to establish the concept of “political poverty” through a definition and basic characteristics. 

If, indeed, considering the political its original definition, the question becomes more aberrant. The policy is “management of the city.” Poverty policy can therefore only poverty management of the city. What is poor is precisely what is incomplete and, literally and figuratively, “poor.”
Poverty policy may better understand the challenges of governance . If it is apprehended by the way in which policymakers can “better” rule, the “political poverty” can be seen as the lack of participation in the governance. 

Poverty is the state policy deprivation conceptual, strategic and institutional in which citizens are to meet their need to participate in the management of their country. 

There is currently no indicator to assess the level of” political poverty “ as a country we have invented the concept. We’re going to try. But already by adopting the definition we have given above, “political poverty” as economic poverty, will cover a broad spectrum of situations. Poverty policy tolerable, a liberal system, with extreme poverty policy of the people living below the subsistence level policy particularly in authoritarian and dictatorial regimes, to the “political poverty” down the new democracies The range is wide.
characteristics of poverty policy Poverty policy induces the same effects as the human and social economic poverty : frustration, marginalization, and lack revolt.
Poverty policy is favored by the existence of economic poverty who is involved through the concatenation of the citizen in a life of struggle for subsistence preventing him from participating in the political life in democratic countries, including underdeveloped.
In a non-democratic and contrary to economic poverty, the poverty policy is independent of the level of economic development. 

Can you provide an indicator of “political poverty” (IPP) 

This indicator (PPI) should be considered an important parameter is the degree of political activism the citizen and the nature of the system state policy. This political activism has several variants: a free activism as part of a democratic country, pluripartisan, activism packaged in a one-party rule, an underground activist in an authoritarian or dictatorial. 

Taking political variables necessary in political activity: availability, commitment, participation, part-partisan democracy … some countries that claim to be rich are in fact a political extreme poverty.
indicator of poverty and policy must be considered, like the Human Development Index (HDI) or the human poverty index (HPI) of UNDP, in assessing the level development of a country. The development is not just about economic growth. 

Thus defined, we can apply this concept to the situation in Mauritania 

Democracy was introduced in Mauritius, and Mauritania is now part of the country to democratic rule. But if democracy is a vector of struggle against the “political poverty” it is not the solution. Just as the correction of social inequalities helps fight against poverty but it does not solve. 

Currently in Mauritania poverty policy exists and takes on a specific. If one refers to the characteristics of poverty policy posed above, it is undeniable that this “political poverty” is rooted in three factors: 

– Relief from the original majority of citizens in political life,
– The current expectation of the people face the new rulers
– the interaction between economic poverty and poverty policy, 

I-Relief fundamental majority of citizens in politics 

In the second round of presidential elections in March 2007 of the 1,132,877 registered only 764,045 voted and only 706,705 votes were cast. In percentage terms this is 24% , on an estimated population of 3,177,388 people! And the President of the Republic was elected by 11.7% of the Mauritanian people (10.4% against for its competitor). 

Already at this level is the “political poverty” since 76% of the Mauritanian people, more than three quarters, did not participate in elections. The inflow to democracy is not the primary concern of citizens. This is in referring to the definition that was given the “political poverty” by the institutional deprivation was found in which the citizen wishing to express their vote . Unable to challenge the census, to reject the too short imparted to census authorities, denouncing the exclusion of Mauritanians abroad the vote and so on. A set of institutional handicaps in the transition accrurent this “political poverty” 

addition deprivation concept to formalize it and to overcome the distrust that have inspired him for decades electoral practices of the state. practices that have reduced the need for democratic a repressed frustration that manifested itself through the decrease in participation in recent elections.
II-The current expectation of the people face the new rulers 

The lack of political responsiveness of citizens to denounce the difficulties they experience particularly high cost of living, deprivation instability and domestic services (water, electricity), the decline in purchasing power, scandal and narcotics threats, mismanagement of public resources, economic and human, can only be explained by the effects of poverty policy . 

Poverty policy is reflected in a wait-that other countries would have been regarded as a silent protest or a boycott of institutions, or in Mauritania this wait is a deprivation of citizens who have strategic nor the political culture nor the proponents adequate frameworks, dynamic and active enabling them to act. Political parties which are assigned the roles of political leadership and awareness of citizens for the exercise of power does play no. They are more introverted to their members and all striving towards the conquest of power in which the citizen is a tenure electoral cyclical. 

The current situation in which there is the traditional opposition seems to have given up, aggravating poverty politics. And the citizen feels. 

Democracy, as mentioned, is an enabling environment for poverty reduction policy, but it can also be an aggravating factor when the political sphere has “earned” its legitimacy comes off sphere popular retreats into a bubble that works and is justified only by itself. While having immune , against the opposition in a trap of “leadership institutionalized” and “periodic consultations” that give the impression of playing a role. 

neutralization of the opposition and the legitimacy of power sitting on an old class already seen at work under a previous have thus aggravated the “political poverty” of the country and removed an important tool for citizens to meet a political need urgent. Not one to make its voice heard, but the right to be heard . The index of “political poverty” is greatly deteriorated. 

III-the interaction between economic poverty and poverty policy.

Poverty Policy in contrast to the economic poverty is not defined by the scarcity of goods or their absence ” / strong>. Poverty policy can be serious in a country of wealth. Just as this country has an authoritarian or dictatorial. Policy reduces poverty in freedom and democracy. However, even in the presence of these elements, poverty policy may remain permanently when the level of living does not allow them to go about occupations or political interest in politics … Completely taken by the search of livelihood, there are “poor politically”, but this is mainly due to their economic poverty. 

The case of Mauritania is illustrative of this situation here. The standard of living of people, some of which live below the subsistence level prevents them, despite the country’s democratic opening, to participate in political life. Or to listen to the political superstructure. “A hungry, they say has no ears.” 

The 2006 UNDP Human Development class Mauritania in the part “low human development” in the 153rd out of 177 countries Far behind the Comoros Islands and even Equatorial Guinea. 

Also, despite the nascent democracy, the hopes it engendered and the impulses it generated the fact remains that his handicap is basically in the improvement of living standards and welfare of populations which contributed to a deterioration in the index “poverty policy.” An index remains fundamentally dependent improvement in our country of the evolution of the economic poverty. 

Ultimately, the introduction of the concept of “political poverty”, allows a better understanding, through non-economic factors and not social, what disability democracy in our country. It seems to me innovative because it is the only way to spend an approach to governance that does not focus exclusively on the decision-making body, the rulers, but on the governed (citizens). The establishment of a poverty index policy for each country will help to better understand the reality of things. 

Pr ELY Mustapha

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